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Guardian Angel’s are people who(‘s):


  • Have a strong passion to live as the hands and feet of Jesus

  • Are looking for new ways to exercise their faith and invite others to do the same according to Matthew 25:35, “For I was hungry, and you fed me.  I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.”

  • Hearts break for what breaks our Father’s heart like the social injustice that our Romanian kids live in every day

  • Want to put their love into action to help change the lives of at-risk children now and for generations to come

  • Want to help give at-risk children a hope and a future that wouldn’t be possible without our intervention

  • Desire to respond to Jesus’ invitation to help the least of these and extend that invitation to others

  • To connect:  with like hearted people
  • To pray:  for the children we minister to and ACF as a whole
  • To advocate:  so others can develop a transformational relationship with a child


The Guardian Angel program connects a community of passionate ACF supporters with others who believe strongly in it’s mission and ministry. It allows them to belong to something bigger than themselves by praying for the specific needs of ACF and advocating for our kids through sharing their child sponsorship story, volunteering at our events, taking the lead in their churches for aid collection, and possibly leading or going on mission trips.

By being a Guardian Angel they are truly walking out their faith and putting into practice our ministry’s foundational Bible verse Isaiah 61:1 which says, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”

  • Volunteer at ACF events
  • Receive invite to the Guardian Angel rally
  • Attend one of two gala events
  • Share your sponsorship story with family, friends, and co-workers
  • Find two child sponsors (someone to help sponsor your child and one new child)
  • Advocate for our kids and ACF at your church
  • Lead a mission trip or host a mission trip meeting at your church
  • Spring or Fall Reach Event

  • Project Respond shoe celebration

  • Host Project Respond collection at your church

  • Lead a mission trip

  • Host a mission trip meeting at your church

  • Tips for sharing your passion:

-present your mission trip experience to your life group or a group of your family/friends

-invite a close family member or friend to co-sponsor your child or a new child

-share your ACF experience on Facebook to inspire others to join your cause


  • For pictures of children who need a sponsor click here
  • For free info and materials you’ll need to be successful in sharing our mission of reaching, teaching, and transforming the lives of the at-risk children we serve, email Tim Oloffson at director@anotherchild.org.


To reach, teach, and transform the lives of orphaned and at-risk children.

233 Old Hwy. 11
Calhoun, TN 37309
Phone: 815-303-1725

© 2025 Another Child Foundation

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ACF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

View our latest newsletter here.