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Support a Mission Trip Participant

Thank you for supporting the ministry of Another Child Foundation by supporting a mission trip participant.

Make an online donation using MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover or select virtual check/savings to make an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly from your checking or savings account. All transactions are processed online and under protection of a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Thank you!

Join us on a Mission Trip!

Step 1 – Contact us for more information about upcoming trips for individuals or to arrange dates and a project for your group.

Step 2 -Visit our SIGN UP FORM HERE, for mission trip information.  Just a short 2 minute form. To complete your travel form CLICK HERE.

Step 3 – After your application is accepted, we will set up an account in your name and you may seek contributions to help cover the costs. We will help with suggestions and a letter template for you to use when writing your letter.

Step 4 – Get a passport!

Download the application from the internet. If you already have a passport check to be certain that the expiration date is at least 6 months past the expected date of return from the mission trip.

Step 5 – We will send you information about immunizations, travel medical insurance, what to pack, and additional details.

Contact Tim concerning any questions you may have: director@anotherchild.org

Anyone 16 years and older who is medically fit to travel is eligible to join us on a mission trip. Children younger than 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, family member or an appointed guardian.
Passports & Immunizations
All people traveling with ACF must have a legal US passport 30 days prior to departure. At this time no immunizations are required to travel to Romania. We do suggest that you visit your personal physician for personal recommendations and also visit the Center of Disease Control website for additional information.
Medical Restrictions
Traveling abroad can be a workout. All persons traveling with ACF must be of sound physical health and have any physical limitations noted on the Mission Trip application. Another Child Foundation recommends that all trip participants have a physical before traveling overseas.
Safety & Security
Some amount of risk always exists when you choose to travel overseas. We take every precaution to ensure the safest trip possible. We consult state travel advisories and in-country ground staff, train the trip participants to be cautious, and pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.

To reach, teach, and transform the lives of orphaned and at-risk children.

233 Old Hwy. 11
Calhoun, TN 37309
Phone: 815-303-1725

© 2025 Another Child Foundation

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ACF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

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