Summer Internships
Romania- Summer Intern Program
Another Child Foundation (ACF) is committed to assisting orphaned and at-risk children in Romania to become the people they were created to be. ACF staff and volunteers have been assisting these types of children for nearly 13 years. We have been partnering with the Romanian non-profit organization, Buckner Romania for the entire time. The relationships ACF has built over time with the staff and volunteers in Romania gives our organization a cohesive unit as we spend time ministering to the needy.
The Summer Intern program gives the college-aged student a chance to learn leadership skills that will enhance the student’s background for future opportunities. Additionally, the diverse experience of sharing a month overseas with volunteers from a different culture, and learning a new language, will ensure the student a life experience that will remain with them the rest of their lives.
The Mission Opportunity
The ACF Summer Interns will travel across the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This life changing experience will transform their lives as well as the kids they will get to love over the weeks they spend time with them. Each intern will get the chance to provide leadership in Bible stories, crafts, recreation, and many other interactive activities with the children. Not only will the intern get a chance to build relationships with the Romanian children but also with the Romanian staff and volunteers. The Interns will also get a chance to provide leadership with the short-term mission trip teams, which will be providing a Vacation Bible School for the children.
The Mission Experience
The days will be busy as the intern will prepare for different activities each day. The work will vary from assisting a short-term mission trip with a VBS to building improvement projects. While the days are full of relationship building the intern can be assured that there will be time for sightseeing and relaxation as they discover the beauty of Romania and its people.
The ACF Interns will enjoy the all-inclusive nature of a summer internship. With all costs paid before leaving the United States; so there are no worries of having the funds needed for accommodations, transportation, and food while serving in Romania.
We are now accepting applications for our 2021 Summer Internship program to serve orphans and at-risk children in Romania. Additional info is coming soon.
To reach, teach, and transform the lives of orphaned and at-risk children.
233 Old Hwy. 11
Calhoun, TN 37309
Phone: 815-303-1725
© 2025 Another Child Foundation
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