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Bump Up Your Support!

On a clear, cold winter night in Romania, a mother goes to put her children to bed. Once again she has the challenge of keeping each of her 7 children all warm and healthy. She has a tremendous responsibility that I cannot personally even imagine or relate too. However, the work being done by our Loyal Donors is making her job much easier. But, there is much more to do!

        The biggest challenge ACF faces today is the quickly increasing salaries of teachers in Romania. The public schools in Romania are desperately trying to keep their teachers in their own country instead of finding better paying jobs in other European countries. So, they have increased salaries in public schools by nearly 40%. This leaves non-profits like ACF fighting to keep one of our most valuable resources. OUR DEDICATED TEACHERS! And they need your help to offset these costs and help the children you support keep thriving!

        Ultimately, all of these kids will suffer. It is CRITICAL these teachers remain at the Point of Hope. They know the students better than anyone else and the teacher-student relationship is even more important in the areas where poverty and evil are just waiting to pounce on an opportunity to keep children bound up in poverty.

We invite you to BUMP IT UP so the children God has entrusted to our care can be given EVERY opportunity to succeed in life.

        Take a couple moments to reflect on the child updates you receive from Romania. I know you can see the difference your support is making. Is there a better investment out there? I DON’T THINK SO!

I invite you to take that step of Faith and BUMP IT UP!

        You give FAITHFULLY each month but is God calling you to do more? An extra $5? $10 or even $20?  Any amount that you decide upon will be used with great care. Remember you are a SUPER HERO in the eyes of the children you support! So let’s DO THIS!

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 To reach, teach, and transform the lives of orphaned and at-risk children.


© 2024 Another Child Foundation

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