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Geneseo Kiwanis Supports ACF

Feb 20, 2019

The Geneseo Kiwanis Club has once again decided to support the local and global work of Another Child Foundation. On Wednesday, February 13 ACF Executive Director Tim Oloffson was presented with a check to support the ongoing work of Another Child Foundation.

Another Child has the following goals, mission and focus:

Mission Statement

To create avenues of opportunity for individuals and groups to provide life-changing hope to at-risk children in our societies. ACF strives to Reach, Teach, and Transform the lives of the people God has called us to serve

Vision Statement

It is our vision to develop a deep relationship with both the supporters and the receivers of this ministry’s work. It is ACF’s aim to find supporters who have the same values and goals it takes to solve the problem of social injustice in the world. ACF wants to engage supporters into mutually beneficial relationship. ACF’s ultimate goal is provide life-changing outcomes for both the supporter and the receiver.

Core Values of Another Child Foundation

The following are the primary core values that ACF drives for in the day in and day out work of the organization:

Ethical, Mission Driven, Visionary, Relational, Excellence, Empowering

Organizational Goals

To be a respected organization that always represents itself with integrity, passion, and dedication to the mission. Also, to pursue excellence within a Christian Community of people while always giving glory our Creator and God; and to have a vision for the future while being culturally aware of challenges in the world.


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