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12 Days of Christmas Stories-Day 12-More Success Stories!

Dec 18, 2023

Losif-Ricardo Dreghici (Preschool second) He is a preschooler with very good attendance and thus acquired his knowledge the skills provided in the school curriculum. He was able to express himself in sentences and has an improved vocabulary. It behaves politely with colleagues and kindergarten staff and has the skills to self-service and completes any task. Works independently at organized activities and has a spirit of helping. Use materials correctly made available for artistic and plastic activities and mathematical activities. Use a specific mathematical language.


Dana Puczi (2nd Grade) She is a model student for her class. He is actively involved in all the activities carried out reads cursively and with intonation, she is attentive to activities, asks questions when she does not understand and asks for additional work. She is orderly and disciplined, and even draws the attention of others when she disobeys the rules and they are noisy. She is an empathetic temper and always jumps to help her colleagues, trying to help them explain where they went wrong and what they need to do.


Sidonia Caluti (4th Grade) Sidonia has been part of our program for about 2 years, years in which I can say we have struggled with introversion. She was restrained, always depressed, her colleagues told me that she had the same behavior at school as well, I was worried because everything was leading to anxiety.

But to my surprise, I tried to get closer to her, I was taking her by the side and gradually the situation changed radically. She has become very sociable, she communicates very well and you can see that she has regained her confidence in herself and what she can do. She is a child of God!


Alexandru Prodan (6th Grade) He has been attending Point of Hope for 8 years. The same child, with a big smile, but with more life experience, the living, the family built the experience, not entirely pleasant but the experience pushed him to persevere and today he is a well-raised child, olympian in history, olympian in the matter of life. He is Alexandru!


Armina Prodan (4th Grade) Armina, although she had great difficulties when we started working, was eager to push her limits, always showing perseverance and determination in learning to read better.

Although he still has some catching up to do before he can reach the level of those on the front line, she is confident that she can do it if she works. Armina is like a frail flower that grew stronger with each passing day. If you pay attention to a flower and give it what it needs, it grows and develops beautifully. She also grew up because she had attention and encouragement from me.


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