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What a busy past few days we have had!
We have been working since Monday with the 3-4 year olds and the 5-6 year olds at the Child Development Center. We work with the younger children during the morning and then with the older after-school kids during the afternoon. It has been so awesome to watch them learn from what we are teaching despite the Romanian-English language barrier! Our translators have been so great with the kids and they relate our message of Christ’s love so well to the kids.  So far we’ve covered “Jesus Loves the Children”, “Jesus Works Miracles”, “Hosanna to Jesus!”, and “Jesus Rose From the Dead”. The kids really loved the story of how Jesus healed the blind man and the lame because they got to act them out. Their favorite part was actually lifting one of their classmate “through the roof” of where Jesus was preaching to the crowd so that the lame man could be healed. I was so happy they didn’t drop him when they were lifting him up so high off the ground! We’re having so much fun with all the kids even though we’re definitely exhausted by the end every day! The endless games of “Rosta Rosta Gusga” (Duck Duck Goose) and “Tara Tara Ramush Da” (Red Rover) are some of their favorites on a daily basis. Yesterday we also started going to the Taranevan group homes in the evening. There are three group homes in Taranevan where the kids now live that have come from the orphanage. We are going to our second group home tonight and we just found out that it is an all boy home! I hope they’ll be receptive of two American girls who can’t speak much Romanian…who knows, maybe they will actually appreciate it it haha 🙂 Be thinking of us as we embark on all of our Romanian adventures–we’re holding a picnic on Saturday for all of the group home kids!