Our shoe celebration and collection day was a huge success! Over 30 volunteers worked hard to process and pack 22,166 items of vital humanitarian aid. These items donated from amazingly generous people from all over the United States have been packed into our shipping container and are on their way across the ocean to Romania!
5,237 pairs of shoes and boots, 5,753 pairs of socks, 1,008 underwear, 160 blankets, 191 coats, 190 book bags, 141 towels, 364 Winter hats, school supplies, and so many more essential items were collected from individuals and our partner Churches. Hundreds of the blankets, quilts, and hats were actually hand made by some of our very sweet supporters.
Please pray that the shipping container arrives in Romania safely, without any complications, and quickly so the children are able to receive everything they need in order to continue to thrive.
We are so thankful for every volunteer and donor who participated in Project Respond this year and in years passed! We also would like to thank Moody Radio for broadcasting live from our shoe celebration and spreading the word to like-hearted people about our ministry! Words can’t express our gratitude, because we wouldn’t exist without these awesome supporters.