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Bump Up Your Support!

The biggest challenge Another Child faces today is the ongoing costs on doing ministry! The children need your continued support to keep thriving! And the challenges remain difficult but PROGRESS is being made! We hope the stories we share with you show you how important your work is to the children God has called you to serve.

I am inviting you to BUMP UP your monthly support so the children God has entrusted to our care is given EVERY opportunity to succeed in life.        

Your support is more important to their future than you know.  Is there a better investment out there? I DON’T THINK SO!  I invite you to take that step of Faith and BUMP IT UP! 

You give FAITHFULLY each month but is God calling you to do more? An extra $5? $10 or even $20?  Remember you are a SUPERHERO in the eyes of the children you support! So let’s DO THIS! 

We recently sent you a letter through the mail. Knowing that these letters can easily get lost we have made it even easier to bump up your monthly support by simply filling out the giving form on the left hand side of this page with your best monthly amount. Thanks!

       That is all there is to it! Very simple but very impactful! So Let’s Do This!

When people step up and bump up their support it makes a huge difference in helping me plan for futures programs and additional students who attend our programs!

Tim Oloffson

To reach, teach, and transform the lives of orphaned and at-risk children.

233 Old Hwy. 11
Calhoun, TN 37309
Phone: 815-303-1725

© 2025 Another Child Foundation

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ACF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

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