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My oh my how time is flying by! 
I feel like M’Kayla and I just boarded our flight  to Bucharest yesterday, eager to begin our summer of ministry.

The first ACF American mission team departed home to America  on Friday and M’Kayla and I begin yet another new program tomorrow!  We will be hosting a weeklong vacation Bible school for over 100 of the Tarnaveni gyspy children.
We’re expecting around 60 of the younger kids during the morning session and another 60 of the older ones during the afternoon session. While 120+ kids (per day)is quite a bit to handle, we’re excited about this unique opportunity to minister to some of the most precious kiddos who are often “looked over” and forgotten. With the help of all of our amazing translators, we know we will have a fantastic week : )

We already have relationships (from years past ) with several of the kids attending and it’s so great to have an opportunity to spend more time with them sharing the most important news we possibly can. 

M”Kayla and I just wanted to show some love to Another Child Foundation 🙂