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Happy Romanian holiday! Everyone here has the day off from work and from school which means that the kids who normally go to the Child Developmental Center Monday-Friday also have the day off. Thus, the day off for us! Everyone wins!
We decided to do some sight seeing and exploring so Gabi brought us to tour a Romanian salt mine about an hour outside of Taranevan—it was so cool! After walking down about 20 flights of stairs to get to the bottom of the mine, there was a “mini amusement park “ complete with lights, a ferris wheel, ping pong, bowling, putt putt golf, and even row boats (who knew you could go boat riding in the bottom of a mine?!) Needless to say, it was an awesome experience and a  great workout going back UP the 20 flights of stairs—just ask M’Kayla ;). After grabbing some lunch in town we also got to do some jewelry shopping at a little market we found-those always have the best jewelry! We both got to load up on hand spun, hand painted glass earrings to bring home to share with everyone—get excited! To finish an already great day, we got to play my favorite sport: VOLLEYBALL. It made my heart so happy to have a chance to play while we’re over here! 
Back to work with all our kiddos at the CDC in the morning : ))