On June 26, ACF Ministry Development Managers, Alicia Carter and Kirsten Litton visited the Presbyterian Church in New Windsor Il. They met with “the gals” who have been working hard making blankets, scarves, and hats for our kids in Romania.
It was such a blessing sitting and visiting with them while they took a break from sewing to enjoy fellowship together. The group meets every Monday morning and together they use their talents to support ministries like ACF and so many others both local and abroad. They are small but mighty! And they do it all in the name of Jesus! We are so proud to partner with these amazing ladies. Bonnie Wadhams says” it’s like a stone being thrown into a lake. You never know how far the ripples will reach!” Well said, Bonnie! Theresa Tomlinson says,” the ladies never know what all they will be able to make as they do the best they can with the supplies the Lord brings to them.”
ACF knows our kids and their families will be so grateful to receive the blankets and other warm items made for them with love from New Windsor! You inspire each of us to do what we can with what we are given to make a big difference in the life of another child!