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Bob and Fran Smith with Hugo!

Mar 13, 2024

Fran says, “she was shocked to see how lovingly the team was received at the Vida Infant home!”

One of my favorite parts of leading this ministry is getting to share some amazing stories of transformation. Here is another wonderful story that comes from a couple that traveled with us to Guatemala. Bob & Fran Smith share below:

When asked what was the one moment that happened during this trip that you will never forget, Fran said, “How appreciative the boys were when they received their shoes after being so sad when we didn’t have their size the previous day”.  “They had to walk back to school to receive them and the sweaty hugs from them was so rewarding.

Bob was moved by the enthusiasm of the students at school when they were singing with their whole hearts during the devotion time. “That was very moving and gave me goosebumps of joy from the Holy Spirit being present.”

Often team members are influenced the way they see the world by a missionary serving in the country they visit. Bob and Fran both agreed that is was when our translator/guide Hugo shared his testimony.

“He shared his witness at the church.  We saw how his family life was forever positively changed when his kids attended the Vida schools and brought Jesus into his life and how he now serves the ministry there. POWERFUL!”

When asked to share a time when you saw God actively working on a person’s heart Fran said, “I was shocked to see how lovingly the team was received at the Vida Infant home. It was awesome!

Bob said it was undoubtedly the tearful reaction of some of our mission team after hearing Hugo’s testimony of redemption and salvation.

Finally Bob & Fran were both asked what did God teach you while serving there? Bob said, “that love is a universal language.  To be more patient like the people there.  That we are in a spiritual battle was very evident there and that we need to be active in the fight.  The experience made me want to come back to Guatemala to serve again.

Fran simply said, “To be more humble.”

Finally Bob & Fran wanted to convey their appreciation for all the coordination work done by the staff to provide the opportunity to experience this mission trip.

It is the constant and reliable support of the ACF donors that allows family’s to experience the love of God in such a powerful way.

I hope this story helps connect you with the work being done through this ministry via your generosity!

Once again I want to thank you for being the Voice for Voiceless children. I hope you keep investing into their lives as long as you can. You are such a blessing to them.

If you like to make the difference in the life of ‘another child’ you can do that by simply CLICKING THIS LINK.

God bless you friend!

Tim Oloffson- ACF, Executive Director

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