Every year Another Child Foundation collects donations to fill large shipping containers with humanitarian aid to send to our international ministry partners. The ministry partners we will be collecting aid for this year are Fundatia Buckner for our Point of Hope Center in Romania, and Impact Ministries for the La Vida Children’s Home in Guatemala.
In 2020, ACF was able to send over 10,000 items to our ministry partner in Romania, including new shoes, new clothing, new linens and blankets, as well as office supplies and equipment.<
ACF once again asks for your help in the collection of donations for humanitarian aid to help both the children in need, as well as for those who work to provide for these children, at the Point of Hope Center and La Vida Children’s Home. Donations will go towards school supplies, office supplies, new clothing and shoes, medical supplies, and cleaning supplies.
Hebrews 13:16, “16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased”