Another Child is very excited to announce our 2018 mission trips dates. At the end of each mission trip season we look back at what went really well and some things that did not quite go as planned. We also look at the trip evaluation forms filled out by our 2017 trip participants. After all of that review we make some necessary adjustments and start looking at the 2018 calendar.
Thankfully, the 2017 trips went VERY WELL and a few with a few very minor adjustments we have the 2018 trip calendar ready to go. A lot more details will be added to these trips over the next few weeks. But here is our 2018 trip dates:
June 7 – 17– this trip will be specifically ministering to our children at the Point of Hope Center in Tarneveni, Romania. We have been assisting these kids along in their faith since 2007. What a blessing it is to be part of something transformational. We hope you will consider being part of this team.
June 21 – July 1– this trip will be focusing on the Tarneveni community in which the Point of Hope Development Center resides. This team might be working with the mothers of our kids who attend the school, this team will also be reaching out to area families who struggle with poverty and this team will also be introduced to the children who attend the Point of Hope.
July 5 – July16– this team will be taking local children who suffer from poverty and hopelessness to a beautiful mountain camp for a week of VBS and faith exploration. This will be our 12th year in doing camps like this. Getting to spend a high amount of quality time with these children is a blessing that other trips do not afford. If you are looking for a trip where you can build true relationships this might be your best option. This trip is ALWAYS our most popular trip and it fills up very QUICKLY.
October 17 -27– this team will be delivering the humanitarian aid collected during the 2018 Project Respond aid drives help in the US. This is also a very popular trip for several reasons. First is because of what happens on these trips. The most powerful experience we have on trips is when trip participants get to place new socks and shoes onto the feet of children. It is truly one of the most powerful experiences a person can enjoy! How can such a simple act of kindness change a person’s view on the world? It does and we hope you will want to be a part of it.
We will soon be releasing the applications for each trip along with some additional information on each trip. Keep an eye out for this exciting information.